SotaERP Fleet Application

Manage your vehicles, contracts, costs, insurances and assignments without pain.

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The benefits of using a fleet management system

Many fleet managers rely on fleet management systems to increase productivity and transparency of fleet operations, boost productivity, and ensure adherence to government and industry regulations. These systems encompass a range of features, including proactive vehicle maintenance, enhanced driver safety measures, and streamlined dispatching, among others.

Automating manual task

Increase Profitability

Increase overall fleet safety

Improved customer service

Fleet management made easy

You won't need any specialized tracking system for company vehicles - with SotaERP's smart app, you can keep a close eye on your fleet in a few simple clicks. Manage everything through our user-friendly administrative system - fuel log entries, costs and many other features necessary for the management of your company's vehicles.

Manage leasing and all other contracts

Effectively oversee vehicle contracts, receive contract expiration alerts via email. Several visual tools are put in place to ensure that you'll remember to renew (or end) your contract. Organize services around the vehicles, and optimize fleet management with company vehicle and insurance policies.

Monitor all costs at once

                                      Real-time analysis and reporting

Identify and trace the money spent by your company for each of the fleet vehicles. Recurring costs of your contracts such as leasing and services contracts are automatically added to your accounting at the beginning of each period of the frequency specified in the contracts, while all other costs like fuel and repairs are automatically added to your report.

Show all costs associated with a given vehicle or with a type of service. Compare different types of costs (which vehicles cost the most; which services have been performed on which vehicles; etc) by using the reporting tool. Get really helpful insights about the effective return of each vehicle in order to improve your fleet investments.

Unleash your growth potential

No credit card required

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